Chapter IV

Last Update June 20, 2024
9 already enrolled

About This Course

Strategies and Tactics are a pivotal component of our stock premier program, designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of effective investment strategies and tactical approaches. This chapter focuses on empowering investors with a diverse set of tools to optimize decision-making and maximize returns in various market conditions.

The chapter begins with an exploration of fundamental investment strategies, including value investing, growth investing, and income investing. Investors will learn how to identify stocks that align with their investment goals, whether it be capital appreciation, income generation, or a combination of both.

Tactical approaches are then introduced, covering short-term trading strategies, momentum trading, and trend-following techniques. Participants gain insights into technical analysis, chart patterns, and indicators that help identify entry and exit points in the stock market.

Risk management is woven throughout the module, emphasizing its crucial role in any successful investment strategy. Participants will learn how to set risk tolerance levels, diversify portfolios effectively, and use derivatives for hedging purposes.



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Learning Objectives

Strategy Selection
Long-Term vs. Short-Term Strategies
Adaptability to Market Conditions
Behavioral Finance Considerations
Practical Application
Portfolio Diversification
Understanding Mathematical Models
Forecasting Financial Metrics
Portfolio Optimization
Risk Management with Mathematical Models

Material Includes

  • Strategic Guide
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Analysis Chart | Mathematical Model I
  • Analogy Chart | Mathematical Model II


  • Enrollment in Chapter I
  • Enrollment in Chapter II
  • Enrollment in Chapter III


13 Lessons3h 2m

Investment Strategies and Tactics

Introduction for Chapter IV3:04Preview
In-Depth Analysis Strategic Guide39:59
Investment Strategies10:26
Bear Market Strategies7:25
Bull Market Strategies9:45
Long Term Investment Strategies12:09
Diversification & Portfolio Rebalancing11:16
Growth & Value Investment Strategies11:37

Mathematical Models

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14 Courses
5 Reviews
75 Students
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Duration 3 hours
13 lectures

Material Includes

  • Strategic Guide
  • Strategic Analysis
  • Analysis Chart | Mathematical Model I
  • Analogy Chart | Mathematical Model II